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Cushing 1v1 Gap Up



1. Fwds begin in Center circle - Defense Line up as shown (NOTE: Diagram shows one side only - both sides would go at same time)
2. Drill begins with F1 and F4 skating backwards along red line and receiving a pass from next Fwd in line (F2 and F5)
3. F1 and F4 then open up and perform regroup exchange with D2 and D4, ensuring they take proper angle off Defense moves.
4. F1 and F4 then do same with D1 and D3.
5. D2 and D4 gap up after passing puck - F1 and F4 attack D2 and D4 1 vs 1.
6. D1 ad D3 replace D2 and D4 position and next 2 Defense pop in from lines.

Category: Timing
Tags: Timing, Gap-up for D, Correct angles for receiving passes
Posted By: kmagnani (Used in 20 Plans) Created: 2013-10-29, Last Modified 2013-10-06


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