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3 on 0 w/Slasher



Diagram 1
-X1 leaves with Puck and passes to X2 in motion
-X1 and X2 curl and X2 passes back to X1
-X3 times their skate and starts to slash towards the middle of the ice and gets a pass from X1 around center ice.
-X3 will then dish the puck to the side to either X1 or X2 (whoever gets up the ice first. If no one is close then X3 goes wide with the puck).
-X3 will drive the net and the 3rd player will go high.
-Player with puck will either pass to high player or player driving the net for a shot.

Diagram 2
-Drill starts the same however if X1 gets the pass later or misses the pass from X2 then X3 will slash all the way across the ice to pick up a chip pass or the missed passed the drive down the ice.

Category: 3 on 0
Posted By: rcushing (Used in 12 Plans) Created: 2022-11-15, Last Modified 2024-09-19


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