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Quarter ice horse-shoe



Location: Quarter ice, run out of any corner
Setup: Split players into two lines, each with pucks. Place a net on the goal line between the lines, and two cones at the top where players will turn.
Description: This is a classic horse shoe, where we focus more on the small details because the drill is so simple. A player from one line skates up to their cone, turning back when they reach it. They get a pass from the other line, and come in for a shot on net. The passing player should have their head up, and aim the pass to wear the players stick is going. Encourage players to call for the puck, not bang their stick. The receiving player should absorb the pass, and attack the net hard, ending with a shot. Their rep ends when they stop in the crease. Let's drive home the idea of following your shot to the net.
The drill alternates sides from there.
Progression #1: When the player stops in the crease, the coach passes them a second puck. The player receiving the pass, and tries to get a shot off as quickly as possible. Encourage them to minimize stick handling. If there is a goalie, allow time to battle for a rebound before the next player goes.
Progression #2: A coach can apply light pressure on the player receiving the pass, forcing them to make a move around them.

Category: Warmup
Tags: Call for your pass, lead your target when passing, always end drill by stopping in the crease.
Posted By: mike19 (Used in 2 Plans) Created: 2022-12-16, Last Modified 2023-02-17


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