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Cross Ice Pass With Quick Up



On whistle the X1 players skate across the ice and while in motion make a pass to O1 who is along the boards at the hash marks. X1 then crosses the ice (close to the goalie crease) and then cuts up the ice for a pass from O1. X1 receives the pass and heads down the ice for a shot on the net. O1 immediately retreats to the goalie and fetches a puck and X2 moves up to the hash marks along the boards. The same sequence is performed by O1 but this time they are the passer to X2 and will go down the opposite side of the ice.

Notes: Players are making the initial pass in motion. Receiving players must call for the puck. Coaches can be stationed at different locations so that the puck carrier has to have their head up.

Category: Uncategorized
Tags: Tape to tape, Use voice
Posted By: mbarry (Used in 1 Plan) Created: 2024-08-23, Last Modified 2024-08-23


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