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Defence Shots to 3-on-2



Start with the defence on the boards inside the blue line. RW makes a pass in motion to LD and then cuts to the net. LD gets to the middle and takes a shot into the screen. LW makes a pass in motion to RD and then cuts to the net. RD gets to the middle and takes a shot into the screen. C skates with a puck out one side and feeds a pass to one of the existing D and then cuts to the net and this D takes another shot into the screen. The coach yells go and all three forwards in the front of the net begin to leave the zone where one of them will receive a breakout pass from the coach and they will execute a 3-on-2 attack. The players stay down at the far end as the next iteration has them all starting from the other end.

Notes: Screen, pick up rebounds and be aggressive. Use zone entry options to create opportunities.

Category: 3 on 2
Posted By: mbarry (Used in 2 Plans) Created: 2024-10-05, Last Modified 2024-10-05


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