This drill was created using's Online Drill Drawing & Practice Planning Platform.
Three circles with three setups - each line rotate through.
The zig-zag pattern is set up to follow your pass - Two players at the origin. The first player with a puck. Every pass is hard/crisp/flat (no flips). Make a pass hard to the first player on half-wall, and follow your pass instantly. Passes should be one-touch with feet in motion constantly.
Keep away. Start with one player, then two inside the centre circle. Players on the outside must stay in motion and move the puck without being intercepted.
One-touch passes to every player on the outside. As each player gets the puck they must one-touch it to the bumper player in the middle. The bumper one-touches it back, then the puck moves to the next player outside who does the same. After every player touches, it, the final play is a quick or one-time shot.
Reset—new puck. Rotate the bumper player and repeat.