This drill was created using's Online Drill Drawing & Practice Planning Platform.
X1 starts with the puck and makes a pass to the coach. They skate between the pylons, pivot backward, and receive a pass back from the coach. They pivot forward around the pylon and pass back to the coach, picot backwards again, and receive a pass back from the coach. They pivot forward again and come around the pylon for a pass to the coach who gives it back as they skate forward. They then pass to X2 who, without stick handling, passes to X3. X1 replaces X2 and X2 replaces X3. X3 and X4 gap pass to the far boards. X3 then skates back and assumes the former X4 (i.e. backward skating gap passer) spot. X4 then gets in line to perform the passing course.
Notes: Passes should be quick with puck control and little to no stick handling. Passes need to hit the coach's stick.