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IP Practice Plan Nov. 19 - 20, 2011



1. Puck race: Players line up on each side of coach at the hash marks. When given the signal, next player in each line skates around the farthest cone and then around the inside cone (executing tight turns). First player to arrive at the puck tries to score while the other is now defending/chasing. Coaches push pucks to the middle on each attempt.
2. Snow cones and Tug O'War: Players in pairs (on either side of each pylon) try to make snow using both skates alternatively in a stopping motion. Players in Tug O' War use force from their feet and legs in pulling the other player. DO NOT pull using arms.
3. Musical pucks: Coach places pucks in the middle of circle (equal to number of players minus one). On signal players start skating around the circle. When coach yells 'puck' all players dive to the middle of the circle to try and get a puck. Player without a puck stands off to the side and the coach then removes a puck for the next round. Repeat until last player left is the winner. Coach can have players skating in alternate directions each round attempting crossovers while in motion.
4. Relay race: Skaters puckhandle through the pylons forwards, then pivot and stickhandle backwards to line and hand puck off to next skater.
5. Endurance and Full stops: Skater in each group skates around the top end of the line (drawn on the ice by the coach with a dry erase marker) executing a tight turn and then a full 2 foot stop facing the line near his starting point. Then, immediately continuing in the opposite direction, the other way executing a full 2 foot stop, once again facing the line drawn on the ice. Player should do this two consecutive times before next player goes. Half way through station time try with a puck.
6. Learning Angles: One player starts behind the net with puck and skates up the boards. While doing so another player stationed at the blue line skates along cones with the intent the 2 players will meet simultaneously at the last cone. Stick check until blue line is reached. Alternate lines half way through station time.

Notes: SAGs (Small area games): 3 zone scrimmages alternating puck, tennis ball and ringette.

Category: Stations
Tags: 1. Tight turns around each pylon with stick leading. Continue fighting for the puck from other player., 2. Focus on weight pushing from the toes to back of the foot when digging into the ice. Tires are locked in elbow during tug'o'war. No pulling with arms. Use force of pushing with feet., 3. Rapid reaction in retrieving a puck on 'puck' signal from coach., 4. Focus on head and eyes up while puckhandling through pylons. Continual transition when pivoting into backwards skating with puck back to the goal line, 5. Lots of speed, tight turns and full 2 foot stops., 6. Timing and stick-checking to get the puck from opposing player.
Posted By: foncepower (Used in 75 Plans) Created: 2011-11-17, Last Modified 2013-06-03


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