This drill was created using's Online Drill Drawing & Practice Planning Platform.
Setup groups of 4 on as many face-off circles as necessary. Put 4 to 5 pucks outside each circle. Coach will first demonstrate then groups will be run through.
Simple Passing - Players space themselves equally around the face-off circles. Players will have 1 puck, the coach will control the other pucks. Players work on getting their head up first before passing, making simple tape to tape passes in a stationary position.
Man in the middle - 1 of the 4 players will go into the middle of the circle. Players remaining stationary around the circle will try to pass to each other without having the pass intercepted by the man in the middle.
Passing with Movement - Players will now pass to one another but once one player passes, they will follow their pass take the spot of the player they just passed to. It should create fairly constant movement.