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Crease Movement 1



Left Side
Goalie starts at top of crease centering between the pipes.
Goalie t-glides to their left stop at squaring up with puck at faceoff circle.
Goalie T-glides back to the top of the crease centering between the pipes.
Goalie again t-glides to their left stopping at the post with proper positioning.
Goalie T-glides back to the top of the crease squaring up with coach
Right Side:
Goalie starts at top of crease centering between the pipes.
Goalie t-glides to their right stop at squaring up with puck at faceoff circle.
Goalie T-glides back to the top of the crease centering between the pipes.
Goalie again t-glides to their left stopping at the post with proper positioning.
Goalie T-glides back to the top of the crease squaring up with coach

Repeat 2 to 3 times

Notes: Pay attention to
Glove position
Stick position
Correct angle

Category: Goalie
Tags: T-Push, Stance, Post Knee Up
Posted By: pkopko (Used in 151 Plans) Created: 2011-08-13, Last Modified 2013-06-03


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