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1-2-3 Goalie Warmup



Start with each player taking a lond shot O1,O2,O3 etc.
After goalie is ready G will yell out 1,2 or3, this signifies which player will shoot.
If 1 or 3 shoots then the opposite side player will drive the net for a rebound; if 2 is called and shoots, then 1 and 3 both drive for a rebound.
G always start at top of the crease and then quickly move into position to face the designated shot.

Category: Warmup
Tags: 1st save control, As a long shot, G sould not have save-mode mind set., Instead G should be in a rebound-control mindset., When a rebound is allowed, G must have an immediate and dynamic response.
Posted By: bboudreault (Used in 98 Plans) Created: 2011-08-28, Last Modified 2013-06-03


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