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1-2-2 Foosball Forecheck



Puck is dumped in. C attacks the opposing defender flushing him out on the other side. Letting the defender think there's an opening on the other side. Wingers are in position, as the defender moves to the opposite side, the forwards move in respect to a foosball game, straight to their respective positions as shown on the diagram. Same applies to the defensemen. This forces the opposing defender to either dump the puck down or tries to hammer the puck around the boards to his forward, where the LW will be just arriving to take the puck away and behind him the LD. Some keys to making this system work in a game: the wingers must explode into their positions, and not stray. If the LW attacks the opposing defender as he makes his way around the net, that leaves the defender to pass the puck to the open left wing where the LW should be, causing a breakout; further, the wingers must not dog it, and must explode into their positions to cause the turnover; finally, the forechecking defensemen, must not pinch, this could result in the defending forward chipping the puck pass the defensemen causing a odd or even man rush.

Category: Systems
Tags: Systems, Forechecking
Posted By: JoeyLotts (Used in 55 Plans) Created: 2012-01-10, Last Modified 2013-06-03


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