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D Skating/WarmUp Routine



Station 1:
D starts in Net Front position, on whistle,
1) skates hard to end boards and holds position, then hard b/w to Net Front;
2) skates hard to corner and holds position, then hard b/w to Net Front;
3) skates hard to side boards and holds position, then hard b/w to Net Front;
4) skates hard to point, pivots and then hard b/w to Net Front;

Option: before each sprint to boards, Coach shoots (soft) puck on net which D has to block

Station 2:
D line up along boards at blue line, sprint forward to red line, pivot and hard back to blue line, pivot and sprint forward to red line, etc for 5 total reps

Category: Warmup
Tags: Effort, Backward Skating, Transition/Pivot, Shot Blocking
Posted By: curaven (Used in 64 Plans) Created: 2011-09-02, Last Modified 2013-06-03


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