This drill was created using's Online Drill Drawing & Practice Planning Platform.
First you want to dump the puck into there zone say it goes into the right conner then F1 will go on a arch then F2 will go to the inside hash marks of the right curcle and F3 will go to the outside of the right curcle. Say the D1 passes to D4, F1 will go to the top of the left curcle, F2 will go to the outside of the left curle, F3 will go to the inside hash marks. D2 and D3 will slide over to the other side so everyone has to go fast because if F2 or F3 say like D1 got it so I will stay here and do nothing he will be out of position, same thing with D3 if he does not get over really fast D4 will just chip it off the glass and out so you allways work hard. If the D3 cuts in for the blue line they will chip it out and there might be a breakaway chance or a scoring chanceand waste a scoring chance for your team. When the defender is coming out the other way F2 will normaly cut in to get the defender but then F4 will be open for a easy pass.
Notes: F2 should never cut in because F4 is now open. Also never slow down in a game.