This drill was created using's Online Drill Drawing & Practice Planning Platform.
Fs Line up on boards by hashes. (F1 with puck)
D lines up near boards at blue line.
Cone on top of circle. Pucks by outside hashes.
On go, F1 skates to quiet area of ice near top of the circle, shoots on net, then skate to net front.
On F1 shot, F2 passes to D1, and skates to side of net, looking for a tip.
D1 draws puck along blue line and shoots on net, using F1 as a screen or F2 as a tip option.
On D1 Shot, D1 skates back to near start position, F1, leaves net front to take the upcoming 2v1, F2 turns up ice, picks up a puck, passes to D1 and skates around cone for a 2v1 with D1 v F1.