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Admiral Drill - 2nd progression



After running the Admiral drill with one shooter/one backchecker, the next progression is to add a second attacker.

Split players equally between the four corners. With the extra bodies and cross-zone passing, it may be necessary to remove the cones, but the shot still has to wait until the attackers reach the spot where the cones were. This is to ensure that full-out effort is required to catch up with the attackers.

1) 1 leaves with puck skating full speed down the ice
2) 1 must reach cone before shooting
3) 1 shoots on goal
4) 2 & 3 leave as soon as 1 shoots, 2 carrying puck
5) 1 turns and pursues to defend the 2 on 1, pivoting to skate backwards as soon as possible
6) 2 passes to 3 after exiting zone, but preferably before 1 can get into proper defensive position
7) 3 gains offensive zone, passes to 2 and then goes to corner A
8) 2 shoots on goal (after passing cone)
9) 4 & 5 leave as soon as 2 shoots, 5 carrying puck
10) 2 turns and pursues to defend the 2 on 1
11) 1 goes to corner B
12) Drill continues in this cycle
13) at both ends of the rink, the second attacker ((ie, not the shooter) stays on same side of ice when they end their rep and return to the corner, and the backchecker returns to the other side (ie, the side the shooter was on).

Notes: Building on Kevin's Admiral Drill - I'm not sure if I've diagrammed the progression as he intended (specifically, where the second attacker should be starting), but I believe this structure should work. The downside I'm seeing here is that the effort level from the two corners is very unbalanced, but it may be beneficial to alternate between the high intensity and low-intensity sides (especially if the time between reps isn't long enough for full recovery).

I'll see what happens when I try to do the third progression (with D starting at centre ice).

I've included notes on where the players should go after they are finished the rep, and I'd encourage others to do the same when diagramming their drills. The reason I think it's important is that I attend a lot of sessions with adult players who don't practice very often, so they often don't know where to go when they're done. In drills like this where the players in each corner do different things, the result is that the players miss reps on one or more of the skills being drilled.

Category: Backchecking
Tags: -Full Speed Puck Control & Shooting, -Backchecking, -Conditioning
Posted By: kenking (Used in 261 Plans) Created: 2011-05-15, Last Modified 2013-06-03


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