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Warm Up Shooting Drill



1) Player #1 starts with puck at front of line at center ice, skates straight down the ice and shoots on goal and then returns to the back of the line.
2) Player #2 follows player #1 and looks for a rebound and takes a shot if available. Then, player #2 proceeds to pick up a puck from the corner and carries the puck outside the zone and loops back down the middle of the ice, takes a shot on goal and returns to the back of the line.
3) Player #3 follows player #2 at the beginning of the drill. Player #3 times his run to loop into the zone, then outside the zone and then back down the middle so that player #3 is behind player #2 when player #2 takes his turn to shoot. Player #3 now looks for a rebound, takes a shot if available, picks up a puck from the corner, carries the puck outside the zone and loops back down the middle of the ice, takes a shot on goal and returns to the back of the line.
4) Player number 4 fills in behind player #3 once player #3 completes his first run down the ice without the puck.

Category: Shooting
Tags: Shoot from hash marks;, Keep feet moving at all times;, Look for rebound opportunities;
Posted By: Clubber Laing (Used in 0 Plans) Created: 2013-09-15, Last Modified 2013-09-15


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