Canucks 3v1

Drill Diagram


Coach starts drill by passing down to D1.
D1 steps off wall and passes to F1 who is cutting through middle. D1 then gaps-up for the 3v1.
F1 carries puck into NZ, then passes down to D2.
F2 and F3 cut across to get pass from D2.
F1, F2 and F3 fill lanes and attack 3v1 against D1.
Coach on opposite side starts drill by passing down to D2, and drill repeats to the opposite end.

Notes: Forwards need to skate good routes, and fill lanes properly.
Work on O.Z. attack options. (eg: Drive puck wide, send pressure to net, high man, etc.)

1. D3 can join D1 to make it 3v2.
2. D2 can join rush

Tags: Passing, Fill Lanes, 3v1 Options