3 Zone Basic

Drill Diagram


Stick Catch:

Line up about 5 feet apart; stick with the buttend on the ice and holding in one hand; have the girls communicate to each other that they are ready; let go of stick and race to catch partners stick before it falls; if both able to do it 3 time in a row move them further back.

Star Pass:

Line up evenly spaced around the circle; start with one girl looking for target and getting confirmation that receiver is ready; sweep puck to next player be ready to receive a pass. Continue around to next player; Do not chase puck if it is passed outside of circle coaches retrieve; if going well add another puck.

Corner battle:

Forwards versus defence and goalie protect the puck play in front of nets; focus on passing and getting used to bumping; reset on smother of puck or goal.

Tags: Stick Catch:, Fast Start, Keep Eyes on Stick, , Star Pass:, Wait for target and confirmation, Sweeping motion, Cradle Reception, Do not chase the puck if is missed fired, , Corner battle:, Tight space, 3 on 2 battle, No goalie in one end, Use your teammates