Around the Horn

Drill Diagram


O is the top shooter who tries to score from the slot area while the remaining players line up in the above formation and try to bang in rebounds. If O scores off the original shot they continue to be the shooter until they dont. If a rebound goal is scored then the player who scored becomes the shooter. If the goalie directs a rebound past the box formed by the players or makes a save from a shot and smothers the puck that's one point for the goalie. Each puck that crosses the line from shot or bang in is one point for the players. Coaches will need extra pucks to give to the shooter at the top.

Notes: You can mix up D and forwards where the D try to clear the slot area after the original shot and the Forwards try to score. IF THE GOALIE SMOTHERS THE PUCK AND IT CLEARLY ISNT LOOSE DONT JAB AT THE GOALIE TO TRY TO GET PUCK LOSE!!

Tags: Fun Game; shooting slot area; banging in rebounds, goalie making 2nd save and controlling rebound