3v2 Net Battle (in the house)

Drill Diagram


This is a 3v2 net battle with coach passing. Three forwards and two defence line up and on whistle play starts and the forwards seek to get open for a coach's pass. Forwards have to receive the pass on their stick and either get a shot or move the puck to another forward. Forwards without the puck seek to screen the goalie, take defence out of position or get rebounds. The focus should be on a good pass reception and quick puck movement. The defence should work on boxing out and protecting the house. If a player misses a pass or the defence clears the puck the coach can call "new puck" and feed the forwards with a new pass. The goalie should focus on deflecting the pucks to the safe zone or covering the puck. Each time the forwards score they get a point and each time they don't the defensive players (including the goalie) get a point.

Notes: Focus points are on getting open for the coach pass and then quick puck movement (i.e. no dusting the puck off). The defence should focus on proper body position (i.e. net side) boxing out. Encourage forwards to crash the net.

Tags: Strong stick for pass, Strong stick for shot, Get open, fill a role