Stations 3 - Cycle, Passing and Battle

Drill Diagram


Divide players into three groups according to lines. 2D and 3F in each group.

Station 1 - Battle Drills
Put Defencemen on the post and Forward in the corner on one knee. Coach passes puck to corner. Forward gets puck and goes one on one with D. D decides whether to contain or attack.

Station 2 - Passsing
Place one player in the middle without a puck, 4 players on surround circle with pucks. Player in the middle turns to each player, calls name and then receives and returns a pass.

Remove a puck from one of the surrounding players. Have middle player receive and redistribute puck

Station 3 - Cycle
Player skates out from corner with the puck, once they get to the top of the circle they pass the puck back along the boards to the next player. After passing continue around the circle and receive pass from next player in line. Have a shot

Tags: Tactics, One on Ones, Passing