Round the world offensive zone

Drill Diagram


F(1) starts with the puck and makes a pass to LD. F(1) then skates to an F3 supporting position. LD passes to RD. RD passes to F(3). F(3) passes to F(2). F(3) skates to the front of the net (for screening, and rebounds...). F(2) can walk out either side of the net for a pass to either player in front of the net. Receiving player takes a shot on the net and the other player looks for rebounds.

F(1) skates back to the corner, picks up another puck, and passes it to LD, who then takes a shot (with the additional two players screening). F(1) passes another puck to RD who then takes a shot (with the additional two players screening).

Players should be looking before passing. Focus on good passes. A coach and be introduced into lanes to force movement to better passing angles. LD and RD should be collapsing in on shots to be part of the offence.

Notes: Passive coach pressure can be used at any time depending on skill and age level.

Tags: Pass on the ice, Hit the stick, Rebounds, Screening