Defensive Triangle - Push out

Drill Diagram


Introduce the 3 roles in the triangle

1) "Ring" is the defender who is putting pressure on the ring.  In this diagram, it's the center

2)"Support" is the defender who is supporting the player pressuring the ring.  She supports her at an angle so the center isn't beat 1 vs 1.  In this diagram, D1 is the support

3)"Talk" is the defender in charge of knowing where every offensive player is in the zone and communicating that to the other defence.  She is also responsible for blocking passing lanes with her stick.  In this diagram, D2 is "Talk"

Walk the athletes though the roles in slow motion (3 vs 3 play) with coach moving the ring to other coaches

1) “Ring”

This player puts pressure on the ring carrier by staying in front of her. She tries to prevent the ring carrier from shooting. She also tries to take away passing lanes by staying close to the ring carrier

2) “Support”

This player supports the defender who is pushing out on the ring carrier. She stays close to the person pushing out on the ring and also remains at a bit of an angle to her.

3) “Talk”

This player remains near the middle of the ice in front of her own net. Her job is to talk and let the other defenders know where the offensive players are at all times. She also uses her stick to take away passing lanes and her body to defend against non ring carrier opponents.

-swap coaches for players and begin with offensive zone free ring.