Three Whistles - Quick Direction Changes

Drill Diagram


Players skate laps continuously at half speed (starting clockwise around the four cones as shown). At whistles or phrases, players execute the below maneuvers followed by at least 3 explosive strides:
1. One whistle (or "STOP"): quick stop using both feet facing the middle of the ice + crossover start
2. Two whistles (or "TURN"): tight turn using both feet towards the middle of the ice plus crossovers coming out of the turn
3. Three whistles (Mohawk): execute mohawk towards center of the ice, crossovers to regain speed
Do 5 minutes without, pucks, then repeat 5mins with pucks

Notes: explain importance of knowing several edgework skills to change direction quickly and the need to face the play while transitioning (usually middle of the ice)

Tags: skating and puck control