Half Ice Offensive Zone Entry

Drill Diagram


* Start with players from the corner.
* 3 players leave and skate circle with each player taking a shot on the net.
* After the shot they loop up side boards to the center to receive a pass from a coach.
* The players execute a zone entry (F1, F2 and F3) always maintaining a support triangle to F1 and driving net or post up. After the shot players should be driving net to hunt for rehounds.

* Coaches can be inserted for defensive pressure.
* The coach can change which forward to pass to thus selecting F1.

Tags: Players must come out of the zone and enter onside., , F1 needs to come out wide and open up to face coach for pass., , F2 needs to decide whether to post up for a drop pass or drive net., , F3 needs to read play and react to what F1 and F2 are doing.