Avalanche Flow Drill

Drill Diagram

Animation #1   


Many moving parts so start slow and build up speed


Start on whistle , first player in each O line starts at same time, skate out to hash marks, pivot and make a pass to next player in line. Then continue around outside of circle going to the net looking for a pass form player with the puck.

When the shot has been taken shooter then loops down below opposite circle and into breakout spot. D takes a puck behind net and back out to make breakout pass.

Skater then heads up the boards with the puck and the D follows their line out over the blue line looking towards the opposite side forward looking for a pass. O player passes to D man and loops down under the blue line and in front of D who will be backing up after receiving pass.

After skater passes by D they turn up ice and receive a pass from D and the go on a 2 v 0 staying to their side of the ice so as to not interfere with drill on opposite side.

D should end up in opposite corners and F players should end up in opposite corners