Breakout Wall Play Modified

Drill Diagram


D skates up to the dot, transitions to backwards, turns to pick up puck, performs a shoulder check, and wheels around the net.

Center skates low and slow and LW comes down boards so both are breakout options for D.

Two Coaches provide pressure. They can either take away both passing options or attack the D.

If both passing options are not available, D should skate puck out of zone and then drop it in neutral zone. LW and Center will leave zone, retrieve puck, and attack 2 on 1 versus D.

If a passing option is open, D makes pass and forwards break out and come back in 2 on 1 versus D.

Switch sides after enough reps.

Notes: If you want to make it easier to start, you can just have one Coach pressure.

Tags: Using the net to create time and space