Prison Escape

Drill Diagram


Each line needs pucks.

X's start with puck inside the circle (can make less players and lines but should be even amount of both).

On whistle all X's start stickhandling in the circle. On the whistle X1/X2/X3 find someone to pass it to. ANY of the O's in line (must be ready) and they can pass it to anyone. They follow their pass and go get the puck back from the player they passed to and go in for shot on net. The player who received the pass then enters the circle and acts as X4/5/6.

The original X4/5/6 now become 1/2/3 (so we're splitting the original 6 X's into two groups to minimize the chances the goalies have of taking two shots at once and to make sure we have enough players in line).

Notes: Make sure to remind players not to shoot two at once - again head up. Also, if all 3 pass to one end, encourage 1 to go to the other end to shoot.

Tags: Head up, Find open pass, Read what's happening around you - who's open,