Power Skate Rotations 3

Drill Diagram


ROTATION A - CICLES: practice edgework at circles with mohawks (open hips, heels together) and shuffles (closed hips, feet staggered). Advanced groups progress with pucks and travel between circles.
ROTATION B - CONES: practice edgework through cones: tight turns (feet staggered), 1-foot holds (inside or outside edge), stops, mohawks, pivots, or backwards skating. Advanced groups use post-turn crossovers, introduce punch turns, and progress with pucks.
ROTATION C - GAME: play tag, monkey in the middle, or knockout. Emphasize use of nets as barriers and demonstrate open vs closed turns. Use ringettes for newer group and pucks for advanced groups.

Notes: 3 rotations: circles, cones, and game (with nets)