Skating stations

Drill Diagram


A BLOCK - Players jump over sticks with quick feet and under the bridge. Player go around cone and jump two feet over 2nd row of sticks and under the bridge returning in line

B BLOCK - Players navigate around cones and then take a shot on net. A quick button turn and players hop over sticks and recieve a pass from the coach and take a shot on net.

C BLOCK - Modified game of hockey, plaved with sticks upside down and a giant tennis ball. Play position with 2 zones and only 1 player can be the "Roamer" If roamer scores its worth two. When a team scores positions change.

Notes: Block A - Left side sticks are close together and right side sticks are further apart.
Block B - Set sticks up on the left side. Give player enough time to recieve the pass and get a good shot
Block C - a line must be drawn on the ice prior.

Tags: Agilty, Stickhandling, game sense, intro to shooting