Defensive Zone Coverage: Box +1 - 5 players

Drill Diagram


5 mins - 5 defensive players (Red).

Start in the formation of a Box +1. RD (Red) is in the corner trying to create turnover. If the puck squirts behind the net, LD then chases the puck, with C sliding into LD's position, and RD taking the weakside goal position that C left. (Blue) If the puck then continues to travel along the boards on the left side, the LW will pressure/force the puck with C sliding into his position. (Green) Another option is if the puck heads along the right wing boards out of the RD's possession, RW will force the opposing defensemen with C sliding into his position, and RD assuming the post position. Defensemen should always clear the puck by the boards NEVER through the middle.

Tags: Defensive Zone Coverage, Positioning