High Low Shooting (1/2 ICE)

Drill Diagram


Players are divided into 3 groups in corners. First player in each line leaves at the same time. X1 leaves with a puck and skates around 1st pylon does a quick give and go pass with a coach around middle pylon and goes around last pylon before going in for a shot on net.X3 leaves with a puck while X2 chases him around high set of pylons. X3 protects while X2 checks X3 ends up going in on goal from other side.
X1 goes to X2 line ,X2 goes to X3 line and X3 goes to X1 line. Drill is run the same at other end, so all players must keep heads up at all times.

Tags: Keep feet moving, Drive wide around last cone to net, Players alternate lines