TPS 3 vs 0 Regroup and Attack

Drill Diagram


Start on whistle.
Regroup (Black)
C1 passes to C2, swings to right side.
C2 passes to anchored RW1 (Black), or midlane LW (Red)

Attack (Green)
Three man unit attack in triangle formation.

Notes: Progressions:
On Regroup: 1. C2 passes to LW2 or RW2; 2. Add return pass to C2 to 1.
Add second Regroup: 3. F unit 1 regoups on F unit 3. and attacks far end. 4. Add passive or aggressive forecheck to 3. (C2, Lw2, or Rw2 or specified combinations forecheck F Unit 1.)

Tags: Read movement of Centreman., Pass Ready., Communication., Speed on attack., Identify Role:1. Pressure 2. Support (short pass) 3. Balance (long pass).