Defensive zone clearOffensive zone quick pass

Drill Diagram


Defensive Zone

Coach shoots puck to corner,
D1 picks up puck and carries it behind net and clears the puck out of the opposite side of the zone.
D2 skates to the front of net and stays in position until puck clears zone.
(alternate sides), (coach shoot puck at goalie, and goalie moves puck to either corner Defense have to read and react)

Offensive Zone

Coach shoots puck into corner,
F1 picks up puck in corner moves behind net,
F2 skates to the front of the net ready for the pass,
F1 has the option of making pass on either side of the net,
goalie has to read and react to pass made by F1.
(alternate sides)
(coach shoots at goalie and goalie clears puck to either corner players have to readreact)

Tags: Clearing the defensive zone quickly, , Puck control down low, Quick pass out front