D pinch winger 3 on 2.

Drill Diagram


Have players in line groups start as shown. When coach steps out shift starts. F's and C move to spots. Back side D leaves zone to center. Puck side D stay put. When all are in correct position coach plays puck to winger. If on the tape D backs up for 3 on 2. If not on tape or fumbled D pinches. If puck gets out play to far end and shoot. Both D defend. If Pinching D gets posession Forward line exits and D shoots. On whistle forward line backchecks hard to own crease then positions. Coach will call next to restart drill with next group. competing players exit drill and line up in empty corner.

Notes: Full contact, hard backcheck, penalties are skate down and back and pushups.

Tags: D read and pinch agressive., Forwards get it out.