Thomas's Passing Flow to the head man

Drill Diagram


D1 takes the puck into the coner and turns up beside the net and makes pass to X3 (X3,X4,X5 all leave at the same time), X3 then passes to X4 who then pass to X5 who then passes back to X3 and back to X5. X5 takes the puck wide and looks for X4 who will be supporting him or D1 who is going to the net. D3 starts at the center line and it will become a 3 on 1. D1 will skate up the ice after making the pass and support the play and then will start skating backwards and take on the 3 players coming out of the opposite end.

Tags: -Quick Headman Passes, -Deeman must go to the net after make the initial pass, -Follow the Colours,