Powerplay Stations

Drill Diagram


Station 1 - O passes to X. X passes back to O. X skates through circle towards net, receives pass from O and shoots.

Station 2 - O passes to X. X passes back to O. O attacks the net.

Station 3 - X retrieves puck from hash mark. Skates backwards to blue line and passes to X at the center of blue line.

Station 4 - X retrieves puck from hash mark. Skates backwards to blue line, walks the blue line and shoots.

Station 5 - 1 v 1 add a man. Start with 1 on 1. A team mate can be added by making a pass to the first person in line. Can only add three players to make it a max of 4 v 4.

Notes: Keep teams together. Cycle through the three zones.

Tags: Powerplay concepts