
Drill Diagram


Gauntlet - All together. Make sure check-ee is taking the check not giving it
Then move to 3 quick stations:
(Bill) Rub out - one carry the puck down boards and D angles and rubs out and takes puck
(Jeff) Box Out - 1v1 in front of net O get open and get pass from coach try to score, D box him out and clear crease
(Pat) Board Battle Hit, hold, pin. Arms up when against boards.

Notes: Gauntlet - Skater, shoulders square, bend knees, close to boards, take it don't give it, keep feet moving. Checker quick pop and release. Don't hold.

Rub Out - Angle and aim for hands.

Box Out - Battle for position. Body, push hips, lift/press stick.

Board Battles - Hit and pin, hold, knee between legs, fight.

Tags: Checking, Contact, rub out, pinning