5 Station Compete

Drill Diagram


A)3 v 3 w/Conditions - Option 1:One player stays on defensive side at all times. Option 2: Team with puck must make a pass to team mate behind their goal before advancing puck to score. Other? Communicate and move!

B)Race to Puck - X and O buts on side wall. Coach places puck. On signal X and O race. Quick start and body position are key.

C)1 on 1 Battles in Circle - Two 1 on 1 battles inside the circle at one time. 30 sec. shifts. Players must stay on their half of the circle. One side uses a puck. The other side uses a ring.

D)2 v 2 in Corner. 30 sec. shifts. Movement and close battles. If puck leaves area, get another in play.

E)Protect the Gate - Player starts with a ring. Object is to skate between the tires with ring. Defensive player must move and angle the offensive player away from tires. Need to gain correct angle to force the offensive player.

Tags: Focus, Battle, Angling