HP Skills 2 - 1

Drill Diagram


Organize into 3 groups, each groups starts at a station and rotates after 5 minutes

1) 1 Touch Face the Passer
Place two passers on the outside of the circle. Skater skates around the circle giving and receiving a pass to each of the passers while never turning his back on the passer. Always face the passer by pivoting. Add 1 touch or double pass to make it harder.

2) Mirror Skating and Passing
Place 6 pylons as shown in the centre circle. One player is the leader the other has to follow the pattern skated by the leader who is trying to lose the other. Always face each other. Add puck, add a pass.

3) 1 Touch Pass and Move
Place a stationary passer at the top of the circle. Skater starts on bottom and basically “ give and go’s “ with stationary passer. Sprint forward to hash mark - give and go – backwards to bottom of circle – give and go etc. On signal player at top of circle goes in for shot on net – rotate players through each side