Mite 1 Practice 6

Drill Diagram


1. Tire Bump Reaction Puck Race
Players are in 2 lines. On coaches command, players race around black pads, around cones, & toward goal. As players pass the cones, coach bumps puck off of tires. The goal is to make the skaters react to puck coming off tire randomly. Players must collect puck & battle to score goals.

2. Tire Push Relay Race
Divide group into to teams with a minimum of 3 players. Line-up teams behind tire. Players turn stick upside-down & push tire around cone, then back to line for next player. Players turn left on first rep, then right on second. Two reps per round, play multiple rounds. Use motorcycle tires!!!

3. Skating ABCs
Lay sticks on ice for reps a-c
a) 1-Foot revolutions around stick (inside edge) 5-reps each direction.
b) Figure-8 stick step over.
c) Jump over stick 1) forwards 2) sideways L & R
d) Partner Pull- both players hold sticks, front player pulls.
e) Partner Pull Slalom- back player weaves.

4. Multiple 1v1 Keep-away Games
Create groups of two. Two players battle for puck (or ring). All groups should play at same time. 30 second shifts.

5. Czech Tire Weave
2 or 3 players at a time enter tire maze & weave, turn, & skate around tires. After, 20 seconds tap stick & players go score goals.
Start w/ rings & upside-down sticks for 2 reps if needed.
Then use pucks & repeat exercise.
Emphasis proper hand placement & skating w/ head & eyes up. Then speed. Have kids count number of tires they turned around.
There is no set course, be creative.