Shield, Shoot, Support

Drill Diagram


Game goes like this:
Game is played inside the blue line. It is 2vs 2 inside the blue line with a support player outside the blue line. The player with the puck has to score by himself, no passing to the other player on his team inside the blue line or outside the blue line. The puck carrier must use their skating, dekes and stickhandling to get a shot on net. The other player rebounds shots on net and shields goalie only. Player who picks up rebounds can shoot on net or go out and stickhandle, deke and try to score (process repeats itself here). When the opposing team steals the puck they pass back to their support player who skates in hard using stickhandling, dekes and skating to get shot on net. The player who stole puck and passed to support player immediately skates out of blue line and becomes the support player. The team inside the blue line that does not have possession of the puck play defense. Focus on defensive side positioning and stop and starts. Use good defensive form and no big battle ship turns etc. Stick in puck, body on body. Smash and grab.

Notes: The idea of the drill is to teach players to create scoring opportunity by themselves. It will improve their stickhandling, skating, shooting and deke skills because they cant just pass the puck when they run into trouble.

Tags: Small area games, stickhanding, shielding goalie, shooting, defense skills