Power play Break out

Drill Diagram


1-D-man takes puck behind the net and allows tiem to set up.
2- Opposite d-men is in front of net directing traffic and helping set picks.
3 - forward on far blue line in the middle to spread d-men. Ok if he is in teh offensive zone.
4 - forwards cylce low with speed up the walls.
5 - D-men makes walks from behind teh net and hits one of the forwards with a break out pass. He must follow his pass.
6 - Forward that does not get the pass slashes cross ice to provide option.
7-Forward at far blue line starts picking up speed and provides a outlet option and follows in behind puck carrier.
8- d-men in front of the net provides d support up the. middle.

Tags: Allow time to set up., forwards need to counter low for a flat pass., d needs to follow pass.