Novice 6 Section Skating Drills

Drill Diagram


Section 1 - Kids get a partner. Turn stick so butt end is on the ice. Stand close together and let go of sticks simultaneously and catch partners stick before it falls to the ice. Move farther apart every time they catch both sticks
Section 2 - Work on two foot stops both ways. If group gets it you can play a go go stop game!
Section 3 - Forward stride.
Section 4 - Backward skating.
Section 5 - Relay Race. Working on skills they have just practice, divide group of as evenly as possible and set up a relay race. Show them the course and after they go around last cone, they have to tag next person in line before they can leave. (more skilled groups you can add pucks)
Section 6 - Small Space game (2v2 or 3v3 depending on player numbers)

Notes: Hopefully we will have a lot of coaches on the ice. Please get the head coaches to delegate coaches into the sections with Head Coaches "Floating" between sections while assisting or observing.

Tags: Working on bending kids knees while doing and skating skills