Skating Stations Warm Up-Whole Team

Drill Diagram


1. Skate from bottom of circle to hashmarks,stop, & skate back to bottom, stop, & skate to top of circle,stop & skate back.Stop and skate to other hashmark,stop & return to bottom of circle. Next player goes. Go through 3x.
2. Same as 1, except tight turns instead of stops.3x
3. Same as 1, except pivot & skate backwards.3x
4.Skate w/puck around circle to hashmarks, pass to Coach at top of circle,continue skating,pivot backwards (open up) and skate backwards, receiving pass back from Coach. Go around 2x. 3x through

Notes: 1.Players always stop facing Stands,explode out of stop'
2.Stick always on ice, cutting hard.

Tags: Full Speed Throughout Drill.