Stickhandling stationary breaking down stick handling 180°

Drill Diagram


1. Using your top and only reaching out as far as you can while maintaining the puck on the back hand side of the stick blade the whole time reaching out pulling back so top hand ends up by back pocket.
2. Maintaining the puck on the forehand side of the blade the whole time reaching out in towing it back to side pocket repeat movement.
3. 180 with talk and only creating a large arc going from forehand side pocket to back hand side back pocket then sweeping it all the way back around to forehand side pocket. The movement t is a sweeping and pulling movement
4. Repeat movement t now with 2 hands with the bottom hand, on a slide.
5. Front t 2 front movement sweeping movements making big with bottom hand on slide. T
6. shoe horse movement forehand to backhand.
7. Same as above but in other direction
8. 180° rapid

Tags: Stationary stick handling hundred and 80° breaking it down