Mite 2 3/6/2021

Drill Diagram


1) Dekes
Don't let players start with hands in improper position.
Deke each triangle, follow the pattern, & score.
Add spins, wide dekes, slip thru...

2) Fwd->Bwd Puck Race
Players race, coach bumps puck off tire AS THE PLAYERS APPROACH the TIRES.

3) Ringette or Soccer
2v2 w/ goalies

4) Puck Exchange
Don't let players start with hands in improper position.
Players try to pass to each other while skating. COACHES SHOULD PARTICIPATE in this drill. Help kids figure it out.

5) Stops & Starts
This is NOT a race. One side at a time skates the pattern, stopping at 2nd & 4th cone, grab a puck & score.
Add-ons: start with a puck or ring, work on crossover start or v-starts, make it a race.