Pre Novice Practice #2 Balance Agility

Drill Diagram


7-10 min per station

Station #1 -
Players place stick halfway between goalie line and blue line. Players line up on goalie line in hockey stance. On signal players skate to stick and drop down to one knee and attempt to pick it up with out slowing down.

Station #2 - Line players up on goal line with out sticks. Give each player a puck or tennis ball. On signal players push object with hands to blue line. Players should be bending knees.

Station #3 - Power skating. Line players up on the boards.
- Players glide across ice on one skate extending rear leg back. Both feet X2.
- Skate across the ice, fall to knees and get up when moving.X2
- skate across the ice, fall to belly and get up when moving.

Station #4 - Game. Line players up on boards. Using Tennis balls players try and skate to the other end while coaches shoot balls at kids.

Notes: Tennis Balls
Rink Dividers

Tags: Balance, Agility, Gliding, Knee bend