Pre Novice Practice #3 Balance Agility

Drill Diagram


Station #1 ( 2 foot Hops)
Player place stick half way between goal line and blue line. Player line up on goal line. On signal player skate and when they reach their stick they hop over with 2 feet and finish at the blue line. Advanced variation player hops on single foot or larger obstacle.

Station #2 (tight turns)
Players line up on goal line. Players skate to cone and do 360 turn around cones and finish at the blue line.

Station #3 - (pond hockey multiple pucks) Kids scrimmage place two/three pucks in the game.

Station #4 - Obstacle course. Players zig-zag around cones. After all the kids have went once place pucks after the last cone and allow them to shoot on net

Notes: Cones

Tags: Balance, Agility